Sunday, May 27, 2007

Just another regular text in wich the author talks about his lack of inspiration

You probably have already read a text about inspiration. The author (usually an amatteur) makes a reflection about the process of writing, the techniques, the function of the so-called "inspiration", and blablabla.
It is quite common. So, why the fuck would I write one of this texts? Simply because I coudn´t write a text for posting in this blog. My last (and my first) post was one week ago, and I received thousands of solicitations to write a new one....
And now you are reading this very inspirational text. It´s nice, isn´t it?
In my next post I´ll try do develop the ideas of this text, because the inspiration is not with me right now.


Mastriani said...

dear only reader (of my only blog), i will wait patiently, since i know just what you're talking about...

astrojiudo said...

thank you.

Nella Bueno said...

"and I received thousands of solicitations to write a new one...."
Dá-lhe Astrojiudo!
'Lots of requests' is too much.. don't you think?

astrojiudo said...

Nella!!! Thanks for your comment, and the next time I´ll say 'requests', ok?

ma english too bad