I decided to join the cyberworld. I am blogging, and I just wanna know why the hell I´m doing this. Do you, my only reader, know?
I´m not sure, but I have some hypotheses, it may be just narcisism (it happens a lot), may be just a desire to share my thoughts with the world, it can be a try to increase my social network.
But I also can use this space to do something more "useful", like expressing scientifical ideas, hypotheses and theories, and discuss these ideas with smart people. We can do some philosophy, literature, etc.
I think I will do everything that I said I could do with a blog, I think soon I will share the history of my life with you, if you want to, of course.
And then we´re gonna have some philosophy. Soon.
By the way, the image is a T-shirt I saw on Internet, at www.thinkgeek.com .
Hey,let's speak in English!!! lolololololol
I loved your idea of write "useful"something and show it for the world, but this conception of "useful" depend of each one, so if someone make bad comment upon your work,don't worry about it, go on...because the most brilliant thinker received bad comment upon their works too.
Good luck!!
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